
Chatting with your customers

Once the messenger is installed on your website, your team can accept chat requests from the widget.

Making yourself available for chat

Each user can decide whether they want to accept chats. by default, all users are offline for chat. To start taking chats, the user first need to Go Online from the user dropdown on the top right navigation bar:

When you're online, the user dropdown will have a green status indicator as opposed to the grey when offline:

Accepting an incoming chat

When a customer initiates a chat, any users that are available for chat receive notification via a ringing sound and a red dot that will appear on Chat icon on the app navigation bar on the left.

To go to a specific chat, click on the Chat app icon in the navigation bar on the left. This will take you to the chat page. The left sidebar of this page lists all the ongoing chats for the inboxes that you belong to.

Chats that no agent has joined yet shows up with a red status as shown below.

To join a specific chat you can click on the chat from the left sidebar list. The chat messages will be loaded on the right side. Then, from the bottom of the chat interface, click Join Chat button.

Understanding the chat interface

Any ongoing chats or new incoming chats are listed in the order from newest to oldest on the left sidebar of the chat tab. This makes it easy to quickly accept new chats or switch between chats.

Chat Sidebar

On the top of the chat sidebar, you can see all the users who are online.

Each chat in the list shows important information at a glance like the customer, last message on the thread, user who's assigned to the chat, unread messages from the customer and inbox.

The colored circles around the Unread Message Count indicate the state of the chat:

  • Red: New incoming chat where customer is still waiting for someone to join.

  • Yellow: A chat you are participating in has new unread messages from the customer.

  • No Circle: The chat is being handled by another team member and you've not joined in the conversation.

Chat conversation

The conversation window displays messages between yourself and the customer. In addition, it also provides useful contextual information like what page the customer is viewing or if the customer has minimised the chat window.

From the top of the chat interface, you can edit the subject while the conversation is going on. This will be automatically added to the ticket that is created once the chat ends.

Customer sidebar for chat

While chatting, you see the same sidebar that you know and love from the ticketing interface. This allows you to see the customer profile, previous communication history and any custom data configured to be retrieved from your internal systems.

Customer Profile sidebar appears on the right side of the chat page. In chat, the sidebar also contains details about the customer's browser and location.

Chat action bar

The following actions are available from a chat action bar:

  • Assign: Use this to transfer a chat or invite another user to a chat to collaborate. When you assign the chat to another user, they will see an incoming chat which they can join. Once the other user joins the chat, you can leave the chat (i.e. effectively transferring it) or both users can continue helping the customer together.

  • Use the Label button to add any labels to the chat. These will end up on transcript ticket that is created for archival and future communications.

  • Using the More button, you can transfer the chat to another inbox.

Ending a chat

When the conversation has ended, you can click End Chat.

This action tells the system that user has finished helping the customer, but doesn't end the chat immediately. This gives the customer a couple more minutes to ask any follow up questions without having to start a brand new chat.

The chat ends after the customer minimizes the chat window and doesn't interact anymore for some time.

Chatting with multiple customers at the same time

The chat listing on the left sidebar enables you to quickly switch between multiple ongoing chats. You can limit how many simultaneous chats you're willing to take from the preferences page.

Chat transcripts

Once the chat ends, it's transcript is emailed to the customer and saved as a ticket. The ticket has the following attributes:

  • State: If the chat was ended by the user, the resulting ticket is created with a closed state. If the chat ended because it went unanswered, the resulting ticket will remain open for follow up.

  • Assignee: The ticket is assigned to the user that chatted with the customer.

  • Labels: Any labels added during the chat are also migrated over to the ticket.

  • Subject: The subject of the chat is carried over to the ticket.

Following up with your customers about a chat

Once the chat ends, a transcript is emailed to the customer. The customer can reply to this transcript to follow up with your team.

At the same time, the transcript is saved as a ticket in Enchant. Any follow ups from the customer will show up as replies to this ticket. Your team can also chose to reach out to the customer via this ticket to continue the conversation where it was left off.